As some of you already know, our family size increased by one today. Cecilia Grace Carpenter was born at 4:06PM on September 26, 2008. She is beautiful, healthy, and huge blessing. She weighed 7lb 15oz at birth and was 21" long. She's looks a lot like her big sister Rosey did when she was born, the big round face and even some of the same little birthmarks on her face.
Michelle was amazing during the labor. Everything went smoothly, and Michelle is recovering nicely. Now it's time for family sleep. We'll try to update tomorrow, with more pics and maybe a quick little video of our newest little angel. Thank everyone for their prayers and we can't wait for all of you to meet little Cecilia.
Cecilia! What a beautiful blessing! Congratulations!
Jean, Peter and Colin Mathern
Cecilia is so precious! Cheers to the Carpenters! Rosey is going to love being a big sister! Love, Tina
This is awesome! YEAH YEAH YEAH! The Eisenmanns are praying for all of you. Welcome Cecilia to the world!
Much love,
Carl, Jessie, Caleb, and Joseph
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